unused) knott wool easy wide pants
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
Shipping method / fee The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method. Customers can choose the shipping method at time of purchase. Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥13,000 will be free.
Yamato Transport Your delivery status can be checked online.
Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima Kanto
Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gumma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi Hokuriku
Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui Tokai
Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie Kinki
Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama Chugoku
Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi Shikoku
Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi Kyushu
Letter-Pack Your delivery status can be checked online.
Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥500
*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥13,000 will be free.
トゥモローランドから ノットのワイドパンツです。
生地は ウールツイル。
適度な厚みの柔らかいけど あったかそうな
コンディション詳細(condition):未使用タグ付き 目立つ傷汚れない状態です
色 (color):黒
素材(Fabric details):ウール98%ポリウレタン2%裏地キュプラ
表記サイズ(size):00 5-7サイズ
実寸サイズ(product size):ウェスト(weist)/32-42cmヒップ(hip)49/cm丈(Outseam)100cm
股上(Rise)33(sleeve length)cm 股下(Inseam)67 裾幅(hem width)24cm
生産国(made in):日本